A Most Violent Year

I was signed up for the Run10Feed10 10K race on the West Side Highway this morning, and if I’m completely honest, I knew as a crawled into bed at 8:30 p.m. there was already a slight chance I wouldn’t make it to the starting line. There would have been lots of plausible excuses to justifyContinue reading “A Most Violent Year”

Digging Deep: How to Use Up Ten Million Carrots

Summer 2014 brought a lot of new things. Ben and I moved in together. A pope visited Asia for the first time in 25 years. My poor niece was forced to take the Ice Bucket Challenge against her will.  But that summer also opened my eyes to something significant culinarily: the brilliance of the carrot.Continue reading “Digging Deep: How to Use Up Ten Million Carrots”

Wedding Planning’s the New Marathon

Whenever I catch up with friends and family this year, I’m asked one of the following questions: How is wedding planning going? Are you and Ben liking the new Queens apartment? Why did your dog move to Hawaii without you? And then there’s the follow-up question everyone who reads this blog inevitably asks next: WillContinue reading “Wedding Planning’s the New Marathon”