The Philadelphia Broad Street Run: One Year Later

I may tell people I’m training this year for the 2012 Marine Corps Marathon, but there’s one race scheduled this spring that’s nearer and dearer to my heart – the Philadelphia Broad Street 10 Miler. That’s the race that started it all for me. An unfathomable distance in January 2011 to my then sedentary self,Continue reading “The Philadelphia Broad Street Run: One Year Later”

Avoiding Cross-Training Like the Plague

There are times I’ll willingly step out of my comfort zone. Wearing electric blue pants in the light of day? Fine. Ordering the tasting menu at Manzo, complete with a petit filet of bovine tongue? No big deal. Helping my pilot friend fly a two-seater plane over the San Diego Bay last weekend? Done andContinue reading “Avoiding Cross-Training Like the Plague”

40 Days of Fitness

Very few holidays fall on Wednesdays, and those that do as part of their calendared schedule usually elicit widespread revulsion for their brazen decision to situate themselves midweek. Seriously. Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: “Can you believe it?! Halloween is on a Wednesday this year. A WEDNESDAY. Ugggh.” If you’ve been alive forContinue reading “40 Days of Fitness”

Traveling Light

As difficult as it may be to eat healthy in New York – especially after Shake Shack decided its flagship restaurant 0.4 miles from my office wasn’t sufficient and opted to open a second East Side hub 0.3 miles from my apartment – eating well while traveling is infinitely harder. There are a lot ofContinue reading “Traveling Light”

Willpower or Lack Thereof

I have never been good with temptation. Out of sight, out of mind may work for the more evolved among us, but if I know there’s an entire tray of blueberry muffins cooling in the kitchen, I know I’m not getting anything done until I’ve devoured one. (On a totally unrelated note: Hey roommate, IContinue reading “Willpower or Lack Thereof”

Five a Day

Most of the advice I internalized in 1991 was probably flawed. For instance: If your distant cousin arrives at your Chicago apartment straight of the boat from the fictionalized island of Mypos, you should absolutely bring him on a double date with the girl you want to marry. No wacky antics with ensue; no way,Continue reading “Five a Day”

Low-Carb Dieting

When other people think about Middlebury College, I imagine they conjure up scenes of good-looking 20-somethings in matching North Face jackets making their way to 5 a.m. crew practice. When I think about Middlebury College, I picture a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese. That’s because the first and only time I set foot in Middlebury,Continue reading “Low-Carb Dieting”

How I Became a Runner

This afternoon, I got my first blog post topic request from an old college friend. It read a little something like this: blog post idea: could you write about how you first started running? like what distance and times were you doing (if you know the times). did you chart your performance or did youContinue reading “How I Became a Runner”

Gridiron Classic Recap or: Why I’m a Terrible New Yorker

Today, Ron Burgundy and I are finding ourselves in a glass case of (mixed) emotions. On one hand, I dominated the NYRR Gridiron Classic (4M) this morning and – despite what I thought would be a detrimentally slow first mile – crossed the finish line at 31:36 and knocked my expected 8:30 race pace outContinue reading “Gridiron Classic Recap or: Why I’m a Terrible New Yorker”

Double or Nothing

Before I begin this blog post, everyone get your heads out of the gutter. We’re all good? Ok. This week, I did my first two-a-day. Regrettably, a two-a-day is not the duo of lobsters I’d promised in an earlier post, nor is it an afternoon delight with both my boyfriend and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. (Apparently, IContinue reading “Double or Nothing”