Hey, New Runners: You’re Doing It Wrong

For better or for worse, this whole quarantine situation has many of us trying out things we’d never even imagined back in the ancient era of February. For some, that means cooking at home instead of ordering delivery or streaming a workout instead of hitting the gym. For others, that means home-schooling children while fieldingContinue reading “Hey, New Runners: You’re Doing It Wrong”

My 2019 Marathon

The phrase “it’s a marathon, not a sprint” may be one of the most overused cliché expressions in the world, alongside the cringeworthy “everything happens for a reason,” the phony “I hope you’re well,” and the totally deceitful “I don’t want fries – I’ll just have one of yours.” Sure, pal. One. Don’t get meContinue reading “My 2019 Marathon”

Party Like It’s 1997

I might be biased by the fact that I was a very impressionable twelve years old, but 1997 was a true golden age of music. The world gave us so many hits that year: Chumbawamba’s Tubthumping, the Verve’s Bittersweet Symphony and Backstreet Boys’ Quit Playing Games (With My Heart), to name a few. We gotContinue reading “Party Like It’s 1997”

Ghosts of Bloggers Past

Have you ever been ghosted? No, I’m not talking about throwing romantic ceramics with Swayze, may he rest in peace. And I’m not talking about use of this emoji, which is the only proper way to punctuate the phrase “I’m so hungry I could die.” And I’m not talking about hiding under a white sheetContinue reading “Ghosts of Bloggers Past”

20/18 Vision

Alright folks, it’s time to talk about New Year’s Resolutions! But wait — you may be asking yourself — isn’t it a little late to be setting 2018 goals? I mean, the presents have been opened, the tree’s been untrimmed and the bearded man in red came and went. True statements, all of them, butContinue reading “20/18 Vision”

Excuse Me: I’m Streaking Here

I’ve googled A WHOLE LOT of things this year, from presidential lines of succession to alpha-dog behaviors to whether a human and bear can ever truly be friends (spoiler alert: they can’t.) But the thing I’ve surely asked the internet most often this year is a telling sign of my often-wavering commitment to fitness: “ShouldContinue reading “Excuse Me: I’m Streaking Here”

Streaking in a Winter Wonderland

As the excruciatingly painful Frozen “short” being forced upon innocent movie-goers before Pixar’s lovely feature film Coco tells us, it’s the time of year for traditions. Whether your family’s traditions involve eating fruitcake or baking cookies or pounding tallboys at the Hanson brothers’ Christmas concert, this season unfortunately goes hand-in-hand with another holiday tradition IContinue reading “Streaking in a Winter Wonderland”

Thank You Kindly

As is my tradition post-turkey coma, I spent the Thanksgiving weekend thinking about all the things I’m grateful for. I’m thankful for my family and friends’ good health. I’m thankful for a loving first year of marriage. I’m thankful shy little Lucille has finally started to express herself freely. Despite the divided political climate, theContinue reading “Thank You Kindly”