Guest Post: Felix, I’m Telling You, I See the Irony

Note from the real RiledUpRunner: Below is a guest blog post from a family friend Vaughan, who has forgotten more marathons than I’ll ever run and who writes the best race recaps this runner has ever read. Vaughan came and cheered me on at the Philadelphia Marathon in 2014, but he’s actually been my cheerleader for 31Continue reading “Guest Post: Felix, I’m Telling You, I See the Irony”

Ho-Ho-How to Avoid Santa’s Belly

Growing up, I never thought I had a sweet tooth. Sure, I liked Klondike bars with the rest of the 80s kids (and I guess I’ve already revealed my propensity for cereal) but set me free in a candy shop and I’d usually gravitate not toward the jelly beans but to the single bag of saltContinue reading “Ho-Ho-How to Avoid Santa’s Belly”

Goals Just Want to Have Fun (Ouch. That hurt me, too.)

Not to toot my own horn, but I’m pretty excellent at squeezing in five to six workouts a week when I have a real, tangible goal on the radar. Training for a marathon? I’ll pop out of bed before the sun every workday for an easy three to thirteen miles. Looking to lose a fewContinue reading “Goals Just Want to Have Fun (Ouch. That hurt me, too.)”