Local Fare

Today proved to be one of those formulaically beautiful spring days that compel New Yorkers by the droves to swarm my (read: everyone’s) farmers’ market to fill their reusable bags with seasonal greens and camera reels with seasonal photos. Ah, what the hell. If you can’t beat them, join them, right? A staunch advocate ofContinue reading “Local Fare”

Reality vs. Expectation

Do you know that brilliant scene in 500 Days of Summer where Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s expectations of an evening and the actual events unfold simultaneously on a split screen? (This is my first attempt at embedding a video clip, so I apologize in advance for whatever coding mess may or may not follow.) That’s a prettyContinue reading “Reality vs. Expectation”

Meat Free… Tuesdays.

Remember when I suggested everyone slowly up their protein intake with the calculated addition of more eggs, Greek yogurt, legumes and canned tuna into their daily diets? Turns out, there’s a faster way to reach your targeted protein threshold: order a Double ShackBurger. In addition to sporting a proprietary blend of premium beef and scientificallyContinue reading “Meat Free… Tuesdays.”

A New Milestone

My boyfriend may be in Costa Rica this weekend doing all sorts of fun things that are bound to get him killed–from unlicensed scuba diving to waterfall repelling to dining with cannibals, only one of which I made up–but my solo New York City weekend promises to offer something perhaps even more exciting: my firstContinue reading “A New Milestone”

Back on Track

Sometimes the temperature grazes 80° for the first time this calendar year and your mom offers to buy you an ice-cream cone. Sometimes you go to a gorgeous Southern wedding and you can’t pass up the mounds of barbeque beef brisket vying for space on your plate. Sometimes your little (grown-up) brother doesn’t want toContinue reading “Back on Track”

Picture Perfect

I’ve never had such delusions of grandeur to think myself a good-looking runner, and this past week’s top trending Internet meme (I sincerely apologize for using that godawful word) has only solidified that understanding. You’ve all seen this, right? Men want to be him, women want to date him and sports photographers want to captureContinue reading “Picture Perfect”

The Power of Protein

Let’s pretend this post is an honest appeal to see my readers introduce more protein into their diets and not a thinly veiled excuse to share photos from my Easter egg dyeing party last night. Agreed? Good. When it comes to running nutrition, most athletes are all about the carbohydrates, and for a good reason:Continue reading “The Power of Protein”

Colon Cancer 15K, or Why NYC Isn’t as Bad as You Think

If, like me, you grew up in a town other than New York and had access to a household TV, you probably internalized a pretty negative view of the Big Apple from an early age. And why wouldn’t we? From the comfort of our parents’ sofas, we watched Saturday morning after Saturday morning as GothamContinue reading “Colon Cancer 15K, or Why NYC Isn’t as Bad as You Think”